These posts are simply taken from my daily prayer journal. I find that the words He speaks to me in my private prayer time are usually for others too...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Going through the motions

The last two mornings on the way to school, the boys & I have been hearing about an 18 year old boy named Ryan who had posted the lyrics of this song on his Facebook page because he wanted his friends to keep him accountable about not just "going through the motions". That same day he was killed in a car accident. Matthew West was performing live on KLOVE today and told some of this story.

Powerful song! Enjoy...


Melani Brady Shock said...

Don't you just hate the fact that tons of people read your blog yet hardly anybody ever posts on it? Just letting you know that your blog is still my morning it and love you ALL!


The Cook's said...

Thank you! Every time I question whether I should continue or not, I get an email or someone tells me they are reading and not to stop. So, I type away... thank you for reading. Your voice has been HUGE in my life and we love your family more than we can ever convey!