In Luke 5 Jesus told His disciples to "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught." (for a "haul" according to the Amplified). Here's the thing... they had toiled ALL night and caught nothing, but out of obedience, Peter agreed. The amount of fish they caught was so great that the nets broke. They filled both ships to the point that they began to sink. What a haul! What caught me eye, however, was this verse:
"When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord."
The catch was so great that it caused Peter to recognize his insignificance in the big scheme of things. My point is this: when we are obedient to Him... do things His way... regardless of whether or not we've tried it before and failed... regardless of if it doesn't make sense to us... just be obedient... His wonders will be performed and in turn, we can't help but see that's it's only by HIM, HIS grace! We are nothing and He is everything! Deeper places bring clarity of His voice and the discipline of obedience... I want it all!
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