These posts are simply taken from my daily prayer journal. I find that the words He speaks to me in my private prayer time are usually for others too...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Open Hands and Open Doors

Matthew West has a new song called "My Own Little World" and it just speaks to me on so many levels. One of my favorite lines is:

"Father, break my heart for what breaks Yours
Give me open hands and open doors
Put Your light in my eyes and let me see
That my own little world is not about me"

We forget that it's not all about us. He does things for us, through us and in us and we so often keep it all to ourselves. We owe it to Him to speak of all the things He does. share what He's given us... not just in word but in deed. Do we give away our time and resources that He's blessed us with? Just this morning in prayer I felt Him saying...

When personal gain is not your aim, I will open unlimited doors and resources to you. Accomplish My purpose and I will bring personal accomplishment to you. Go beyond yourself. Be My pure vessel. See the vision I have for you. Outer influences can't touch you here in the safety of My presence.

It's time we stop thinking of what's best for us. We need to lose our agenda and sight of ourselves. He miraculously healed my son and recharted his course on a day that I lost myself completely in intercession for him. It's high time I remember that and lose myself for someone else. I'm asking myself the hard question, "when's the last time you gave yourself completely in prayer and fasting for someone besides your own?" It's been way too long. I want to give until there's no more to give... knowing that He restores in ways that are so much higher than me and my own vision. Give me your vision, Lord!

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