Do you ever think about how our lives as His servants are an open book to be read of all men?
I Corinthians 3:2-3 " yourselves are our letter of recommendation (our credentials), written in your hearts, to be known (perceived, recognized) and read by everybody. You show and make obvious that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, not written with ink but with [the] Spirit of [the] living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."
He wants to write the pages of our lives. Every turn in our path is a new chapter He is writing. The only way some can be reached is through the lives of His servants. Each chapter serves a divine purpose... not just for us (His servants) but for those watching. Being hidden in Him guarantees that we will react properly to each change and obstacle we face. He has a greater purpose for all of us than we can even imagine!
These posts are simply taken from my daily prayer journal. I find that the words He speaks to me in my private prayer time are usually for others too...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Make the Journey!
I had one of those divine "God moments" with a good friend this morning... one of those "if I don't make this connection right now I'm going to DIE" moments... it is so incredible how HE works! I don't have permission to share details but the whole conversation and process in her life led me back to Monday's entry in my prayer journal. This is what I felt Him speaking that day and as she & I shared back & forth, it was meant to be told today... you blow our minds, God!
"Anyone that makes a commitment to start walking toward Me, with Me, spending more time in prayer, can't help but be changed into My likeness. Abiding with Me brings change in hearts, desires, priorities. How I long for all my children to make this journey! There are limitless provisions for those who will set themselves apart... steal away with Me. I begin to get directly involved in the affairs of their lives. They will find all things settled as they align themselves with My purpose."
I want it, Lord! I want every provision You've made for me... I want Your desires to be my desires... I want a pure heart before You!
"Anyone that makes a commitment to start walking toward Me, with Me, spending more time in prayer, can't help but be changed into My likeness. Abiding with Me brings change in hearts, desires, priorities. How I long for all my children to make this journey! There are limitless provisions for those who will set themselves apart... steal away with Me. I begin to get directly involved in the affairs of their lives. They will find all things settled as they align themselves with My purpose."
I want it, Lord! I want every provision You've made for me... I want Your desires to be my desires... I want a pure heart before You!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Please Lord...Send Someone Else!
This morning my daily reading was in Exodus 3 & 4... so I'm thinking about how Moses wanted a "safety net" when God revealed to Him the purpose He had laid out before him. He didn't feel like he could speak well enough. God told him "I will be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say..." His anger was kindled against Moses for "wimpin' out" but He used him anyway. It wasn't His "perfect" plan... He sent him Aaron as an "assistant" and "mouthpiece". What a lesson to us of His grace and purpose for our lives. He didn't choose another to take his place (although Moses thought that was a better idea). He still spoke to him and used him... just added the assistant.
Sometimes He calls us into "uncharted waters"... areas where we are so unsure of ourselves, doubting our abilities... Boy, have I been there more times than I want to count! However, when He calls us, He will be with us. He equips. He prepares the way. Deep within every one of us is a calling that is specific to us individually. It's up to us to submit to that calling.
As He led Moses back to his people from Pharoah's house, so will He lead us... those of us who want to be used by Him. He will lead us to those we are to affect. I felt this so strongly in prayer this morning... not to worry or stress over the people that I feel I am having "no effect" on. He knows who to send and how to reach them. Our only job is to be obedient to Him and sensitive to His voice and His direction. Follow His leading. He has established a path before me.
Psalm 16:11 "Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy, at the right hand there are pleasure for evermore."
Acts 2:25 (Amplified) "For David says in regard to Him, I saw the Lord constantly before me, for He is at my right hand that I may not be shaken or overthrown or cast down (from my secure and happy state)." Verse 28 says " will make known to me the ways of life..."
Sometimes He calls us into "uncharted waters"... areas where we are so unsure of ourselves, doubting our abilities... Boy, have I been there more times than I want to count! However, when He calls us, He will be with us. He equips. He prepares the way. Deep within every one of us is a calling that is specific to us individually. It's up to us to submit to that calling.
As He led Moses back to his people from Pharoah's house, so will He lead us... those of us who want to be used by Him. He will lead us to those we are to affect. I felt this so strongly in prayer this morning... not to worry or stress over the people that I feel I am having "no effect" on. He knows who to send and how to reach them. Our only job is to be obedient to Him and sensitive to His voice and His direction. Follow His leading. He has established a path before me.
Psalm 16:11 "Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy, at the right hand there are pleasure for evermore."
Acts 2:25 (Amplified) "For David says in regard to Him, I saw the Lord constantly before me, for He is at my right hand that I may not be shaken or overthrown or cast down (from my secure and happy state)." Verse 28 says " will make known to me the ways of life..."
Monday, January 26, 2009
More Listening for the Whispers...
I shared some of this in Sunday school yesterday but felt like blogging it... we are all recovering from "Because of The Times" conference at our church... totally worn out physically but recharged spiritually! The week before was such a great time of prayer focus. On one of those days I had been at the church praying and felt like He was saying, "Don't try to dictate the ways I will speak to you... just always be ready, aware, listening... quiet times with Me teach you the discipline of listening."
Now I normally use the 15 minute drive to work to talk to my mom on the phone & "catch up"... on this day I didn't. As I was driving (in silence) I just began to weep because I could just so clearly hear HIS words... so I got out my pen and somehow managed to drive and write (very messily, I might add!)...
"Every open and closed door serves My purpose in your life. The more you learn to trust me & let me guide you, you'll begin to recognize these changes before they actually occur. Let me be your counsellor. I'm all you need. You don't have to qualify or merit My words spoken into your life. All you need to do is listen... train your ear... get alone with Me... drown out the other voices in your life. When you listen, you will change other's lives--my reflection changes hearts. No words have to even be spoken... just "reflect". As I flow out of you, so does my healing, changing, power flow into the lives around you. Humility, lowliness of mind... that's My way... because then you don't try your thoughts and words. You recognize that it is MY thoughts, MY words!
Why are my people so quick to run to mentors, parents, friends, teachers, to everyone but ME, the Life Speaker, the "answer"? My Word holds the answer to every problem or perplexity that the human mind can encounter.
Surrender to My will ensures that all you attempt to do will suddenly be accomplished with ease. Trying your own way brings frustration. I long to anoint everything your hand touches. Let me be LORD of ALL that concerns you!"
I know that is lengthy, but that's just as I heard it... I want to share every single word that He gives me because I find that it usually isn't just for me. Lord, let us all be "funnels" through which You pour out your words, your Spirit, your compassion, your love!!!
Now I normally use the 15 minute drive to work to talk to my mom on the phone & "catch up"... on this day I didn't. As I was driving (in silence) I just began to weep because I could just so clearly hear HIS words... so I got out my pen and somehow managed to drive and write (very messily, I might add!)...
"Every open and closed door serves My purpose in your life. The more you learn to trust me & let me guide you, you'll begin to recognize these changes before they actually occur. Let me be your counsellor. I'm all you need. You don't have to qualify or merit My words spoken into your life. All you need to do is listen... train your ear... get alone with Me... drown out the other voices in your life. When you listen, you will change other's lives--my reflection changes hearts. No words have to even be spoken... just "reflect". As I flow out of you, so does my healing, changing, power flow into the lives around you. Humility, lowliness of mind... that's My way... because then you don't try your thoughts and words. You recognize that it is MY thoughts, MY words!
Why are my people so quick to run to mentors, parents, friends, teachers, to everyone but ME, the Life Speaker, the "answer"? My Word holds the answer to every problem or perplexity that the human mind can encounter.
Surrender to My will ensures that all you attempt to do will suddenly be accomplished with ease. Trying your own way brings frustration. I long to anoint everything your hand touches. Let me be LORD of ALL that concerns you!"
I know that is lengthy, but that's just as I heard it... I want to share every single word that He gives me because I find that it usually isn't just for me. Lord, let us all be "funnels" through which You pour out your words, your Spirit, your compassion, your love!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Eyes of Faith
Romans 1:17 "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith."
I felt this scripture so strongly in prayer the other day. I looked up the word "just". It means "guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness". Another meaning was "in accordance with standards or requirements".
Of course, to understand faith we have to go to the faith chapter. Hebrews 11:1 (and I love the Amplified version) "NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
So... if I understand this right, part of being just (living according to God's standard/His requirement) is... we don't get to fully know the whole picture but believe it anyway! ...seeing it as though it were already done.
What is time to God? He is not bound by time as we are. He knows the end from the beginning. Whatever answer or miracle we may need... it is already performed. He encompasses all time... It is already done--we just have to move forward until we step into the reality of it... when it will actually be manifested to our human senses! We don't get all He has intended sometimes because we don't accept all He has planned... we don't see it big enough! Our ceiling is His floor (heard that this weekend & thought it was such a cool way to describe our vision!).
Real faith accepts the answer though we don't see it in the physical. Lord, give us eyes of faith!
I felt this scripture so strongly in prayer the other day. I looked up the word "just". It means "guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness". Another meaning was "in accordance with standards or requirements".
Of course, to understand faith we have to go to the faith chapter. Hebrews 11:1 (and I love the Amplified version) "NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
So... if I understand this right, part of being just (living according to God's standard/His requirement) is... we don't get to fully know the whole picture but believe it anyway! ...seeing it as though it were already done.
What is time to God? He is not bound by time as we are. He knows the end from the beginning. Whatever answer or miracle we may need... it is already performed. He encompasses all time... It is already done--we just have to move forward until we step into the reality of it... when it will actually be manifested to our human senses! We don't get all He has intended sometimes because we don't accept all He has planned... we don't see it big enough! Our ceiling is His floor (heard that this weekend & thought it was such a cool way to describe our vision!).
Real faith accepts the answer though we don't see it in the physical. Lord, give us eyes of faith!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My very first blog entry in October of last year is just screaming out to me this morning... it's the whole reason I started blogging. I just wanted to say it! This morning I couldn't get away from Him so gently whispering... for me to be silent before Him... don't be afraid of the silence... the stillness... He longs to speak to us, but we must BE QUIET!!!! His voice is so extremely clear when I finally just get still, quiet and listen. He won't yell...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Fight the Good Fight!
2009 started out a little shaky for the Cook clan... sickness, wrecks, fainting spells for Tanner... quite a whirlwind! However, I am claiming a great year! Yesterday I was pondering all this in prayer and truly felt like it has been spiritual warfare... mainly because so many things we've prayed and fasted over in 2008 are starting to break through! Thank you, Jesus!
So... for the Cook's and anyone else who may feel targeted right now... the enemy may wound you, but he can never defeat you! In Genesis 32:25 Jacob's thigh was out of joint as he wrestled with the angel. Will we fight the fight? Will we war in the Spirit? This is a fight we are all in and we wrestle not against flesh & blood.
Luke 22:31 says "Satan hath desired you that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." The Amplified says Satan has asked excessively that [all of] you be given up to him [out of the power and keeping of God], that he might sift [all of] you like grain, But I have prayed especially for you [Peter], that your [own] faith may not fail; and when you yourself have turned again, strengthen and establish your brethren." I guess I am "turning again" and refocusing and telling everyone I can... FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH IN '09!
"For the Lord is our defense..." (Psalm 89:18). Lord, be our wall of defense this year! Cover us with Your love & protection that comes with the glory of Your presence!
So... for the Cook's and anyone else who may feel targeted right now... the enemy may wound you, but he can never defeat you! In Genesis 32:25 Jacob's thigh was out of joint as he wrestled with the angel. Will we fight the fight? Will we war in the Spirit? This is a fight we are all in and we wrestle not against flesh & blood.
Luke 22:31 says "Satan hath desired you that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." The Amplified says Satan has asked excessively that [all of] you be given up to him [out of the power and keeping of God], that he might sift [all of] you like grain, But I have prayed especially for you [Peter], that your [own] faith may not fail; and when you yourself have turned again, strengthen and establish your brethren." I guess I am "turning again" and refocusing and telling everyone I can... FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH IN '09!
"For the Lord is our defense..." (Psalm 89:18). Lord, be our wall of defense this year! Cover us with Your love & protection that comes with the glory of Your presence!
Monday, January 12, 2009
It's been an interesting few days since my last blog. Cam & I had a wreck Wednesday afternoon. We were stopped and waiting for traffic to clear so we could turn and a big truck hit us from behind. OUCH! The funny thing is... before I could even process in my mind that we were hit, my back was hurting, and are we ok, etc... I caught myself going backwards in my thought processes. I sat there remembering every single small detail in reverse order of what we had just done. We had just left the bank, the post office before that, picked Cam up at school... I remembered every detail about red lights I had stopped at... thinking that any small change in the path I chose to take would have brought about a different result. Why is it that we have such clarity of "moments" when faced with tragic events? Thank you, Lord that we are ok and other than spending a few days on muscle relaxers and being completely out of mind, (well, almost)... we are getting back to normal!
While incapacitated and in my foggy state of mind, I decided on one of those days (don't remember what day it was) to look up some scriptures that mention "moments".
Job 21:13 says "They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave."
All of us will one day come down to one final moment. Will we be ready? I don't want to waste the moments I've been given. I want to always be aware of those around me. Do you ever feel like sometimes you're on "auto-pilot"? Especially when your little ones are rambling on and on about something and you are almost like a robot saying, "yes... wow... that's great...". I've been so guilty!
But here's the most important moment: I Corinthians 15:52 "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." Are my moments preparing me for the moment that will matter most? Lord, help me to not let the frivolous things take priority over what really matters in this life and the lives of those I love and have been entrusted with by You!
While incapacitated and in my foggy state of mind, I decided on one of those days (don't remember what day it was) to look up some scriptures that mention "moments".
Job 21:13 says "They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave."
All of us will one day come down to one final moment. Will we be ready? I don't want to waste the moments I've been given. I want to always be aware of those around me. Do you ever feel like sometimes you're on "auto-pilot"? Especially when your little ones are rambling on and on about something and you are almost like a robot saying, "yes... wow... that's great...". I've been so guilty!
But here's the most important moment: I Corinthians 15:52 "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." Are my moments preparing me for the moment that will matter most? Lord, help me to not let the frivolous things take priority over what really matters in this life and the lives of those I love and have been entrusted with by You!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Complaint Free World
Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. "
Luke 6:45 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."
Last night was our first official choir practice of the New Year...yay! Kevin and Johnathan presented us with these "Barney purple" bracelets to wear... they read "A Complaint Free". We are being challenged to fast complaining... is that possible? 21 days of no complaining! If you complain or judge someone else for complaining, you have to switch your arm band to the other arm and start all over... I think we might be wearing these for the whole year! I have to say... it really makes you aware of how much we do complain. You can check out their website at As of right now, there are 5,798,112 bracelets being worn worldwide. What a concept! Let's all stop complaining!
My prayer this year: Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. "
Luke 6:45 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."
Last night was our first official choir practice of the New Year...yay! Kevin and Johnathan presented us with these "Barney purple" bracelets to wear... they read "A Complaint Free". We are being challenged to fast complaining... is that possible? 21 days of no complaining! If you complain or judge someone else for complaining, you have to switch your arm band to the other arm and start all over... I think we might be wearing these for the whole year! I have to say... it really makes you aware of how much we do complain. You can check out their website at As of right now, there are 5,798,112 bracelets being worn worldwide. What a concept! Let's all stop complaining!
My prayer this year: Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. "
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Times of Sacrifice
Since January usually brings us into our season of fasting at POA, it has been in the forefront of my thoughts and prayers. I've been thinking a lot about sacrifice and what it means. In prayer I felt so strongly that sacrifice doesn't have to be hard... it's all in your perspective. We sacrifice every day... we continually sacrifice for things we're passionate about. It's the reason of our passions that those sacrifices don't seem like sacrifice at all. We sacrifice many things for the sake of the "almighty dollar" and the way it controls so much of our lives and decisions.
HOWEVER... His resources are limitless. I feel Him saying... "sacrifice for ME, for My Kingdom... do you trust me to make up the difference? ... to do above and beyond your dreams and ambitions? Set yourself apart for ME... you will not want, you will not lack! You will hear My voice! You are closest to Me in the sacrifice, but what is it worth to you? Is it worth it?
In Philippians 4 Paul is speaking to the saints at Philippi. He speaks of receiving from them all the things he needs (v16) and then says, (v18) "I am full... having received ... a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God." The next verse tells how God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Sacrificing for the Kingdom... for the missionaries, evangelists, shepherds in our lives... God supplies our needs when we do our part to meet the needs of His anointed. To me, this speaks not only of giving our finances, but fasting on their behalf.
HOWEVER... His resources are limitless. I feel Him saying... "sacrifice for ME, for My Kingdom... do you trust me to make up the difference? ... to do above and beyond your dreams and ambitions? Set yourself apart for ME... you will not want, you will not lack! You will hear My voice! You are closest to Me in the sacrifice, but what is it worth to you? Is it worth it?
In Philippians 4 Paul is speaking to the saints at Philippi. He speaks of receiving from them all the things he needs (v16) and then says, (v18) "I am full... having received ... a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God." The next verse tells how God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Sacrificing for the Kingdom... for the missionaries, evangelists, shepherds in our lives... God supplies our needs when we do our part to meet the needs of His anointed. To me, this speaks not only of giving our finances, but fasting on their behalf.
Friday, January 2, 2009
OK... I took a lot of "flack" for mentioning some of our "favorite people" without mentioning this wonderful family... this is my post of redemption! These are some of our ABSOLUTE favorite people!!!! Seriously, this is such an awesome family... they are on a journey with God that is so incredible! By the way, they have five children... yes, you heard right... FIVE! And what incredible kiddo's! They are beautiful, talented and very well mannered! I made Billy some chocolate goodie bars (by request) for his bday and they came by to get them... we enjoyed their visit so much. Hope you had a great birthday, Billy!


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