These posts are simply taken from my daily prayer journal. I find that the words He speaks to me in my private prayer time are usually for others too...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My very first blog entry in October of last year is just screaming out to me this morning... it's the whole reason I started blogging. I just wanted to say it! This morning I couldn't get away from Him so gently whispering... for me to be silent before Him... don't be afraid of the silence... the stillness... He longs to speak to us, but we must BE QUIET!!!! His voice is so extremely clear when I finally just get still, quiet and listen. He won't yell...


Melani Brady Shock said...

How true...and that is EXACTLY what I was meditating on last night and this morning. I even pulled away last night earlier than usual because I was thinking, "God, I really want to hear you tomorrow and I don't want any noise that would enter my spirit tonight to get in the way of your still, small voice."

I'm being very still these days...I don't want to miss what He would say to me.

Mommy Fowler said...

I am really looking forward to the Daniel Fast this year. Bro Tim was talking about fasting to hear God better, not to "get something" Hearing God speak is one area I am just barely getting to. I cannot wait to cleanse out of me and get all of Him!!