These posts are simply taken from my daily prayer journal. I find that the words He speaks to me in my private prayer time are usually for others too...

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Colossians 3:2 "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."

We have to always see above earth... above circumstances... speak things as though they were... BEFORE we see the result. That is true faith!

I don't want to murmur and complain as the children of Israel did. He gave them what they wanted when they were complaining about the manna He had provided. They were complaining how that the food was better in Egypt (how crazy is that... their place of bondage--they'd rather go back in bondage to have what their flesh was craving). He said He would let them eat flesh for a whole month until it came out of their nostrils and became loathsome to them. His anger was so kindled against them that he brought a great plague while they were having a "flesh fest"... "the flesh was yet between their teeth". I notice that He said "...because you have despised the Lord... asking why came we forth out of Egypt." Could it be that our complaining about the provisions He's made for us is the same in His eyes as despising Him? Wow!

I want to be ever thankful for every little portion of "manna" in my life! Maybe you have big dreams that aren't fulfilled yet... maybe you don't see the end from where you are... HE sees. HE knows. That's all that counts. Let's not let a "murmuring spirit" stop the flow of all He wants to fulfill in us. Sometimes He only gives manna along the way... but it will always be enough!

1 comment:

Kensie said...

I love to read you blog! I have found Him to be MORE than enough! God is so good to us! Thank you for writing.