These posts are simply taken from my daily prayer journal. I find that the words He speaks to me in my private prayer time are usually for others too...

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Crushed Rose

I know I've blogged about this song before, but I LOVE the song "Open Up the Sky". We sang it yesterday in morning worship and I felt like such fresh revelation was flowing. Part of the words are:

"We won't be satisfied with anything ordinary. We won't be satisfied at all. Open up the sky pour down like rain. We don't want blessings we want you."

Can we really say that and truly mean it? What I felt God impressing upon me was the fact that when we really mean that, we won't mind the trials that bring us to a deeper place of revelation... revelation of more of His glory. Take, for instance, the beautiful rose. It's fragrance can't be enjoyed fully until you crush it. We don't want to be crushed. But maybe, just maybe, He wants to release a pure, undefiled fragrance from our spirit. If you feel you are being tried, crushed... maybe He trusts you with that during this season.

Paul spoke of trials that sort of "kept his feet on the ground".

2 Corinthians 12:7 from the Amplified: "And to keep me from being puffed up and too much elated by the exceeding greatness (preeminence) of these revelations, there was given me a thorn ([a]a splinter) in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, to rack and buffet and harass me, to keep me from being excessively exalted."

Don't question the trials. They serve a purpose. It's all about our perspective. If we truly trust Him, we know He will not forsake us and will perform His perfect will through every circumstance we face.

1 comment:

Mommy Fowler said...

We downloaded that song onto our iPod last Sunday afternoon. I want His praises to fill my home. The Bible says to come before His courts with singing, and that the joy of the Lord is my when we get frustrated or feel heaviness creeping in, we go and crank up the iPod and start singing and dancing....the kids love it!

Love you!