These posts are simply taken from my daily prayer journal. I find that the words He speaks to me in my private prayer time are usually for others too...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Changing Seasons

Call me completely crazy... I don't care. But... I can assuredly say that I do hear from Him. Communication is a two way process and so many times we do all the talking but don't wait to hear what He has to say. I'm #1 on the guilty list for this. He has been slowly, gradually teaching me to listen. It has changed my life! Have you ever had a really huge misunderstanding with someone only to later learn that things were not as they seemed? You didn't fully understand that until you actually talked to them about it... that's what happens with our Abba Father so many times. I will get so bent out of shape sometimes but then... I finally take the time to listen to what He's saying back and I'm so relieved, happy, peaceful, grateful... too many emotions to name. That was the case the day He spoke this to me. Right now I don't even remember what was going on in my world, but I did journal what He said and I remember feeling such relief and understanding. This was His answer:

"So many times I wait to see if the changing seasons of your life will affect the time you set apart with Me to hear My voice. As you pass that test, I bless those seasons and pour out more favor... I stretch your capabilities and giftings."

Daniel 2:21 "And he changeth the times and the seasons..."

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