These posts are simply taken from my daily prayer journal. I find that the words He speaks to me in my private prayer time are usually for others too...

Monday, February 2, 2009

As A Child...

Mark 10:15 "Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein."

I was reminded of the weight of this verse while tucking Cam in tonight. He asked me, "Mom, what does it mean... He is jealous for me?" This is a line from his absolute favorite song, "How He Loves" ( I have to admit... it's one of my favorite songs too. It has particularly captured his heart. We did cardboard testimonies during our Christmas concert with this song. Since we were on the platform singing, he was sitting with my parents. Mom said that during this song he was standing there with his sweet little 7 year old hands lifted straight up to Heaven with tears streaming down his cheeks.

Back to the "tuck in"... I explained how that God is jealous for our affection... of course, he didn't quite understand that either so we kept breaking it down. I told him how that we were created because God loves us so much and we were created to praise Him. He is so jealous for us because we love other things more than Him. He really got it... He ended up really speaking to me. The conversation turned to the parable of the ten talents (he brought this one up...). He LOVES music and feels like God has given Him talent to write songs. It was hard to fight back tears as he shared from his sweet little 7 year old heart.

Then we moved on to the rapture. We had an incredible service Sunday morning in which Pastor preached about the rapture and the "End Time" that we are living in. I was so blown away by how much Cam knows about the coming of the Lord and wants to be ready. Pastor talked about how so many things are aligned right now for "Armeggedon". We don't hear that enough and are so easily "lulled" to sleep by the world around us. I pray we never lose our "childlike" faith and how simple it is... we must love Him with an understanding of how much He loves us... when we understand that, we won't have guilt for what we aren't doing right or how we aren't doing enough. Children don't worry about whether or not they deserve our love, they are just so happy to receive it. We'll never do enough to merit the love He has for us... let's stop beating ourselves up and let Him love us with the everlasting love that we can't even begin to comprehend! And of course, let's not ever lose sight of the fact that He IS coming soon!

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